Receive voice call online verification
For online verification via the recorded voice call messages, please call to selected free phone number with 'Voice' labale and speak the message when call is connected.
Receive SMS online verification

On this page you can find Free Phone Numbers To Receive SMS Online for online verification and without registration, which will be instantly displayed. To view received SMS messages by the phone, select the free number and click on it.
Example of using service:Completing the registration process on sites like Facebook, require the entering of your mobile phone number in order to receive SMS verification or confirmation. If you don't want to disclose your own mobile number you can always use one of the presented numbers. You will then receive a confirmation SMS on our web page, simply click on the chosen number to read your message.
Send SMS online to email

Also is possible to send SMS messages to email addresses. In order to send an SMS message from a mobile phone to email need send an SMS message to the numbers presented on the page in a special format. The format of SMS: @ space email_adres space message text. For example, to send an SMS message to the email address, format will be as follows:
@ text of message.